Fred Pescatore

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1. The Hamptons Diet : Lose Weight Quickly and Safely with the Doctors Delicious Meal Plans The Hamptons Diet : Lose Weight Quickly and Safely with the Doctor?s Delicious Meal Plans
from John Wiley & Sons
Price: $17.46

Customer Review:
I am so glad for the Hamptons Diet. If you take time to read this book and learn from Dr. Pescatore's 11 years of practicing nutritional medicine, you will see that this is the future of weight loss. It is the first sane, practical approach that I have ever seen. I can't tell you how much better it... more info

Customer Rating:
4.3 / 5.0

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2. The Allergy and Asthma Cure: A Complete Eight-Step Nutritional Program The Allergy and Asthma Cure: A Complete Eight-Step Nutritional Program
from Wiley
Price: $16.97

Customer Review:
I had been getting more and more allergic every year. Last year I developed asthma, and kept up with an intense schedule by using inhalers, a lot! Even though I gave up dairy and wheat, they continued to get worse, finally to the point where I had hives and welts from touching my books (a little... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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3. Feed Your Kids Well : How to Help Your Child Lose Weight and Get Healthy Feed Your Kids Well : How to Help Your Child Lose Weight and Get Healthy
from Wiley
Price: $10.47

Customer Review:
Doesn't include most fruits or vegetables? Unless you believe the only fruit worthy to be served to a child is fruit juice or that the only vegetable fit for a child to eat is a potato, this diet isn't terribly exclusive in terms of vegetables or fruit. Lettuces, berries, broccoli, asparagus,... more info

Customer Rating:
4.2 / 5.0

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4. Thin for Good: The One Low-Carb Diet That Will Finally Work for You Thin for Good: The One Low-Carb Diet That Will Finally Work for You
from Wiley
Price: $11.17

Customer Review:
The most valuable aspect of this book is the psychological. The mind is a crucial ally in this battle to lose weight, and the author realizes that the "mind" part of losing weight has not been addressed in most other diets. However, the diet itself is more complicated than Atkins or Protein Power,... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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