Fabio Cleto

Queer Pop Culture Lists

Home / Books / Fabio Cleto

1. Camp : Queer Aesthetics and the Performing Subject--A Reader (Triangulations: Lesbian/Gay/Queer Theater / Drama / Performance) Camp : Queer Aesthetics and the Performing Subject--A Reader (Triangulations: Lesbian/Gay/Queer Theater / Drama / Performance)
from UMP
Price: $16.47

Customer Review:
I absolutely loved this book. It was as fun to read as the title suggests and informative as well. It brought back to my memory days of my rambunctious youth, and painted a picture of the settings beautifull in my head. I would give it all five stars, but it does seem to be lagging in some places.... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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2. That Man from C.A.M.P: Rebel Without a Pause That Man from C.A.M.P: Rebel Without a Pause
from Southern Tier Editions/Harrington Park Press
Price: $20.37

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