Customer Review:
This book is the Bible of Internal Medicine. Anyone considering a career in medicine should have this book in their library. Comprehensive and well written, it is the gold standard of medical textbooks.
Customer Review:
it is amazing that such an authoritative text can actually be written. but there it is!. a masterpiece, which is so encompasing that words fail. braunwald has a tradition and every new edition is a towering giant over the previous.seeing is beleiving, thus i strongly recommend this text to any one... more info
Customer Review:
I have used the other editions mainly as a reference to many medical conditons which I hear about in my practice as a psychiatrist. As usual,the latest text provides the information but there is no attempt to bullet or separate out the most important stuff - and no beautiful color diagrams as in... more info
Customer Review:
This book is the Bible of Internal Medicine. Anyone considering a career in medicine should have this book in their library. Comprehensive and well written, it is the gold standard of medical textbooks.
Customer Review:
I just found out about this book today and spent just a few minutes leafing through it and that was enought for me to decide that it would be a great atlas to have on hand for general reference on all the major organ systems and their disease manisfestations. It seems like it would be a great... more info
Customer Review:
The best thing I liked this book is the clear, actual and concise presentation of the subject. It is an excellent book for primary care physicians and internists. Primary Cardiology is divided into three parts. Part 1 covers fundamental principles thar underlie evidence-based medicine and... more info
Customer Review:
This is a classic of cardiovascular medicine. In its newest edition Opie's book is excellent in many ways: first, it is a small book, almost a pocket-book, and loaded with concise yet precise infformation. It is the kind of book you can put in your black bag and you can belive it will be valuable... more info
Customer Review:
Now the theory is behind you and you are into Physical exams and History taking and diagnostics. This book is a must for you. In 397 Chapters it tells you about almost all human illnesses. Each chapter starts with theory (physiology), History taking, continues with Diagnosis and Treatment, it even... more info
Customer Review:
In volume 2 page no. 1678 chapter 295 on Acute Viral Hepatitis, The figure 295-2 we think has an error. IgM anti HAV is described to increase first & IgG is to increase later. In diagram, both have been labeled IgG.