Donnie Bales

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Donnie Bales

1. Pro Motocross and Off-Road Motorcycle Riding Techniques, New Ed.(CyclePro) Pro Motocross and Off-Road Motorcycle Riding Techniques, New Ed.(CyclePro)
from Motorbooks International
Price: $16.47

Customer Review:
This proved to be a very useful book to me. The authors of this book broke down the various aspects that are required to ride a dirtbike efficiently and safely. After I read through this book, I could critique my riding technique and make corrections. I immediately noticed results the first weekend... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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2. Pro Motocross and Off-Road Riding Techniques Pro Motocross and Off-Road Riding Techniques
from Motorbooks International
Price: $16.47

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3. Pro Motocross and Off-Road Motorcycle Riding Techniques (Cycle Pro) Pro Motocross and Off-Road Motorcycle Riding Techniques (Cycle Pro)
from Motorbooks Intl

Customer Review:
As a MX and Offroad rider for over 2 decades, I thought I had a pretty good grasp of my riding ability....and my weaknesses....until I read this book. After applying the techniques and practicing them on the track, it was easy to feel the difference in how I handle difficult situations....easy to... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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