Donna Hassler

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Donna Hassler

1. John Singer Sargent : The Male Nudes John Singer Sargent : The Male Nudes
from Universe Publishing
Price: $15.75

Customer Review:
It's hard to believe there was a time when the images in this book would have been considered pornographic. But if Singer's portrait of Madame Pierre Gautreau ("Madame X") was considered scandalous because he painted her with a dropped shoulder strap (later repainted in its proper position), then... more info

Customer Rating:
4.7 / 5.0

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2. American Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: A Catalogue of Works by Artists Born Before 1865 (American Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art) American Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: A Catalogue of Works by Artists Born Before 1865 (American Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art)
from Metropolitan Museum of Art New York
Price: $73.15

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