Bartle Bull

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Bartle Bull

1. The White Rhino Hotel The White Rhino Hotel
from Carroll & Graf Publishers

Customer Review:
The character development is great. the setting is well described. A tad heavy on deviant sexual practices of one character. The suicide of of character is convienient but well thought through. Africa of 80-90 years ago.

Customer Rating:
4.2 / 5.0

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2. Shanghai Station Shanghai Station
from Carroll & Graf Publishers
Price: $17.16

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3. The Devils Oasis The Devil's Oasis
from Carroll & Graf Publishers
Price: $10.50

Customer Review:
Liked this even better than WRH. Just great adventure writing, set in North Africa. One of the best novels I've ever read. Combines action with romantic setting and atomosphere. Extremely well crafted and written.

Customer Rating:
4.6 / 5.0

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4. Safari: A Chronicle of Adventure Safari: A Chronicle of Adventure
from Viking Pr

Customer Review:
A wonderful book covering the beginnings of the African Safari to the present. Many current authors use this book as reference for their own books such as Peter Beard, Bibi Jordan, Kuki Gallman, and Mirella Ricciardi. If all of these authors use this book as a reference and quote it throughout their... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0

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5. A Cafe on the Nile A Cafe on the Nile
from Carroll & Graf Publishers
Price: $10.17

Customer Review:
This is the type of novel that allows just the correct amount of history, exotic locale and adventure to make a great reading experience. Pre WW II Africa is the setting just prior to the Italian invasion. The story, characters and conflicting cultures made for me a truly enjoyable read.

Customer Rating:
4.2 / 5.0

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6. Around the Sacred Sea: Mongolia and Lake Baikal on Horseback Around the Sacred Sea: Mongolia and Lake Baikal on Horseback
from Canongate Books

Customer Review:
Good, but I had trouble keeping up with the names of the white guys. Seems like someone is always leaving and someone is always arriving, the pictures only confuses me more, because I would try in vain to match up the name with a picture.

Customer Rating:
4.7 / 5.0

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