Aaron Lawrence

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Books / Aaron Lawrence

1. The Male Escorts Handbook: Your Guide to Getting Rich the Hard Way The Male Escort's Handbook: Your Guide to Getting Rich the Hard Way
from Late Night Press
Price: $10.17

Customer Review:
This book provided the inspiration and guidance for a successful part-time hustling career for me. It's a good and thorough how-to guide to becoming an independent male escort, from deciding whether or not you're really cut out for it to advertising, safety issues, pricing, STDs, dealing with... more info

Customer Rating:
4.8 / 5.0

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2. Suburban Hustler: Stories of a Hi-Tech Callboy Suburban Hustler: Stories of a Hi-Tech Callboy
from Late Night Press
Price: $10.17

Customer Review:
Having read several books on male prostitution and always being disappointed with the very poor quality of the wriitng, I was ecstatic that Aaron wrote this very detailed, comprehensive and well written book.

His tales of getting started as an on-line escort to how he was able to work out his... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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3. Casey at the Bat: A Script for Readers Theater (or Readers Theatre) From the Most Famous of Baseball and Sports Poems Casey at the Bat: A Script for Reader's Theater (or Readers Theatre) From the Most Famous of Baseball and Sports Poems
from Shepard Publications
Price: $1.00

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4. The Best of Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine, March-April 2003 (Unabridged) The Best of Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine, March-April 2003 (Unabridged)
from audible.com
Price: $9.95

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5. The Babe: The Game That Ruth Built The Babe: The Game That Ruth Built
from Total Sports

Customer Review:
If you like baseball, you will love this book. It's a "coffee table" type book that every true baseball fan needs in his/her sports library.

It comes with a Homerun Derby CD. For me, the game was a little hard to figure out because the directions are a little unclear. I'm working on it and will... more info

Customer Rating:
4.0 / 5.0

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6. Increasing returns, competitive equilibrium and the enigma that was Alfred Marshall ([Discussion paper] - Institute for Economic Research, Queens University ; 256) Increasing returns, competitive equilibrium and the enigma that was Alfred Marshall ([Discussion paper] - Institute for Economic Research, Queen's University ; 256)
from Institute for Economic Research, Queen's University

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