Goodfellas (Two-Disc Special Edition)

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Goodfellas (Two-Disc Special Edition)

Starring: Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci, Lorraine Bracco, Paul Sorvino
Directed by: Martin Scorsese
Binding: DVD
Published: 17 August, 2004



  • Color
  • Closed-captioned
  • Widescreen

Goodfellas (Two-Disc Special Edition)

Goodfellas (Two-Disc Special Edition)

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5.0

American Grafitti meets the Godfather meets Sid n Nancy:

This sprawling epic of one man's true life journey in one of the most notorious NYC crime families spanning nearly 4 decades portrays as many laugh-out-loud moments as it does makes-you-flinch violence and brutality.

The movie features great acting, interesting characters and a great story. The soundtrack, set and warddrobe effectively mark each passing decade - from the do wop 50s & 60s to the "Layla" 70s to Sid Vicious' "My Way" at the conclusion.

Pesci, DeNiro and Liotta are all fantastic as the... more info

One of the finest films ever Made!:

Martin Scorsese's masterpiece is one to be cherished, valued, and especially enjoyed over and over again. Originally entitled WiseGuys from writer and co-screenwriter Nicholas Pileggi's novel, this title was dropped because of the existence of a Brian De Palma comedy already called WiseGuys starring Joe Piscopo and Danny Devito. That WiseGuys has NOTHING on GOODFELLAS! Goodfellas is more than a movie. It is an experience! What made this movie so different from other mob movies was the fact that the mob was... more info

Best Mob Movie Ever:

This is by far the best mob movie ever. Based on real life, it's just the best

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