Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election - 2004 Campaign Edition

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QPC / DVD / Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election - 2004 Campaign Edition


Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election - 2004 Campaign Edition

Directed by: Joan Sekler, Richard Ray Perez
Binding: DVD
Published: 06 July, 2004



  • Color

Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election - 2004 Campaign Edition

Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election - 2004 Campaign Edition

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.0 / 5.0

Oh boy...:

This video NAILED the real election story, the story out there, for those who know how to read beyond headlines, and who learned to ignore TV news outlets, long ago. There were some things it could have gone into, but didn't, but it's a short. One can't expect in depth data from film. It just doesn't happen.

Some corrections to Viewer in Midwest:

If ANY absentee vote isn't sent on time, then it doesn't count. Period. I don't care if it's from the Almighty himself, or from a soldier. How about some of... more info

Finally The Truth About The 2000 Election:

A fifty-minute documentary that shows in concise and dramatic fashion just how certain Republicans, from Jeb Bush to Katherine Harris to various operatives, rigged the Florida vote in the 2000 Presidential Election and how the Supreme Court voted to deny Americans a fair election. The interviews are extensive and shocking; the "accidental" computer purging of eligible Black and Democrat voters was criminal; and the scenes of Republican political operatives interfering with recount efforts make it clear that... more info

Home of the brave, land of the free... yeah right!:

Obviously I'm not American, and after watching this dvd, I'm very VERY relieved. Your land is mean't to be the driving force of freedom and bravery, and instead is the laughing stock of the entire world, even your allies! Stop fooling yourself America! Your elections are jokes, your government is evil, your President is a puppet, your people are armed and you are all afraid all the time. What a way to be! You can't look at women's bossoms yet can buy a handgun!?! Huh? Take a good look around you. Your... more info

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