The United States Constitution and Amendments

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The United States Constitution and Amendments

Author: U.S. Government
Binding: Digital



  • Download: Microsoft Reader

The United States Constitution and Amendments

The United States Constitution and Amendments
by: U.S. Government

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 1.3 / 5.0

Pay for a public domain document? I THINK NOT.:

The US Constitution is a public domain document so how can anyone one put a DRM on it? Will MICROSOFT get more of my money? I THINK NOT. Don't waste your money on this turkey. There are free sites to download a printable version of this great document on which one of the greatest nations is founded upon. Do a search on Google and you will be able to download and print this document. I wish I could afford to take Microsoft to court over this attempt to copyright something that doesn't belong to them but... more info

Don't buy this!:

They've taken a public domain work--formatted it for your e-book reader--and put DRM controls on it! And they want you to pay for it! NuVision Publications and Amzaon should be ashamed.

The Constitution is available in electronic format from many sources--free! (e.g. Project Gutenberg). Don't pay money for a copy of the U.S. Constitution.

Don't violate this copyright!:

You budding nations, you better come up with your OWN way to run a nation. This is a copyrighted document, and we have considerable IP invested in government technology!

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