Leaving Metropolis

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Leaving Metropolis


Leaving Metropolis

Directed by: Brad Fraser
Binding: DVD
Published: 06 April, 2004



  • Color
  • Closed-captioned
  • Letterboxed
  • Digital Sound

Leaving Metropolis

Leaving Metropolis

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 3.6 / 5.0

Another film I'm glad I rented:

This film tells its story reasonably well; the acting is pretty good; production is good, etc.; however, somehow I never found myself fully engaged. The premise seems reasonable enough: David, the Successful Gay Artist-working-as-a-waiter to put him in touch with regular people again and so recharge his creativity as an artist. Also an infatuation between a gay man and a straight man, whether reciprocated or not, is also believable. But somehow, with this cast or with this script, the film doesn't resonate.... more info

a first rate gay film:

This is a lovely film with a complex plot and interesting finely drawn characters,believable dialogue and some sex scenes with beautiful bodies far more erotic than any hard core gay film. It is similar to another excellent gay themed film "Bedrooms and Hallways" Also well worth seeing.
Read the review in this section by reviewer, Grady Harp, who has witten an excellent analysis of this film. The best line...." How could I have drowned in anyone as shallow as you"

More reality than we would like to admit.:

I enjoyed the film " Leaving Metropolis" for many reasons. The acting was good and it had a good script. It was a bit raw and had an edge however it was believable and struck me as situations that some of my friends from the past would get themselves into. The production quality was good and so was the audio quality. The Artist "David" has painters block and takes a job as a waiter to try to get unblocked. He gets a romantic notion towards his married employer "Matt", Who appears to like the idea of getting... more info

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