Agatha Christie's Seven Dials Mystery

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QPC / DVD / Agatha Christie's Seven Dials Mystery


Agatha Christie's Seven Dials Mystery

Directed by: Tony Wharmby
Binding: DVD
Published: 30 March, 2004



  • Color

Agatha Christies Seven Dials Mystery

Agatha Christie's Seven Dials Mystery

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Another great Christie DVD Whodunit:

This 133-minute London Weekend Television production, based on Agatha Christie's novel, is in the best classical mystery tradition, starring a cast of lesser known but fine British actors. Principal performances are Cheryl Campbell as the enthusiastic protagonist Lady Eileen "Bundle" Brent; James Warwick as Jimmy Thesiger, the "man about town"; Christopher Scoular as Bill Eversleigh; and Harry Andrews as Superintendent Battle (whose personality dominates every scene he's in). Other principals include... more info

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