Matchstick Men (Widescreen Edition) |
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Matchstick Men (Widescreen Edition) Starring: Nicolas Cage, Sam Rockwell, Alison Lohman $17.97 Features:
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Matchstick Men (Widescreen Edition) |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 3.9 / 5.0
Conning the conners:
In "Matchstick Men," Nicholas Cage plays a con man so obsessive/compulsive in nature that he makes Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets" look like Oscar Madison in comparison. Fastidious to the core, Roy Waller freaks out at the first sign of dust, dirt or bacteria invading his personal environment, so much so that he keeps his place not merely immaculate but almost hermetically sealed off from the outside world. Somehow, even with this crippling neurosis plaguing his every waking moment, Roy has managed...
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Cage is brilliant in a fun film with a few surprising twists:
Nicolas Cage has always been a fun actor to watch, and he plays his role here as the obsessive compulsive con artist brilliantly. The movie is truly one that surprised me with the ending, but also contained ultimately a solid set of values.The movie picks up with Cage going through his strange routines while his partner and he cook up scams to bilk unsuspecting people out of money. Cage has the presence and the acting skill to literally make you nervous and edgy while watching his neurotic habits and...
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Smells like gum:
I'm going to say this movie did not keep my interest. It was too slow paced, but the movie did have some interesting scenes, but then return to slow Ville again. I did not consider this movie a comedy, even though there were some scenes that were humorous. I considered the movie more of a drama. I thought Sam Rockwell's character was not as developed as it could have been. You knew he was a con artist, you knew he "acted" concerned for Roy's character, but that's all. Nicholas Cage plays Roy, an obsessive...more info
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