Transformers Energon Basic Figure: Battle Ravage |
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QPC / Toy / Transformers Energon Basic Figure: Battle Ravage |
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Transformers Energon Basic Figure: Battle Ravage Binding: Toy
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Transformers Energon Basic Figure: Battle Ravage |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5.0
You can use the ax from the Energon Ranger on one of the Energon Transformer.
terror cons:
my friend owns this toy and has lost the little feet and energon power up thingy plus th lasers . it is very educational because it shows how to take care of your personal stuff . it does get such a high rating .it is 1 out of this world toys .i wouldn't be supprised if it made it to the toy award show 2004 and i hope all the others in the line of these toys .
Not bad, but not the best:
This is a good figure, but the weakest of the 6 Energon figures I've gotten so far. I don't care much for the robot mode, especially the head. Perhaps if it had darker colors. The transformation is a simplified version of the standard Cheetor/catbot method, and while the figure carries it off reasonably, it would be improved without the geared movement of the heads into position. The cat mode is excellent - it stands well, looks good, and the weapons add to its appearance. Its posability is hampered...more info
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