Pro Tennis Lessons "Ultimate Backhand"

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QPC / DVD / Pro Tennis Lessons "Ultimate Backhand"


Pro Tennis Lessons "Ultimate Backhand"

Starring: James Jensen
Binding: DVD
Published: 01 August, 2003



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Pro Tennis Lessons Ultimate Backhand

Pro Tennis Lessons "Ultimate Backhand"

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Very solid and complete!:

I decided to take the summer off from matches to develop the backhand I never had. I went to a number of lessons, hit with the ball machine and ordered this video. Wow, this game me so much more info than the three lessons I paid $50 each for, and made the whole process just much easier to understand.

He covers everything from grip to footwork to contact point to stroke to slices, two handers, ball machines, backboard. Just very complete. In addition to the completeness though, he just makes it all so... more info

James Jensen Delivers!:

OK, I read the description and himned and hawed about spending the money to buy this DVD since few instructionals really deliver quality instruction. Case in point are some Bolleteri's I bought that were really lame. To my satisfaction this DVD delivered all it said and more. It's long like almost 2 hours and never boring. Well laid out it builds your back hand from scratch into a formidable stroke. Jensen's modern day training techniques has turned my two handed back hand into a much more confident and... more info

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