To Have and Have Not |
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To Have and Have Not Starring: Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall $14.98 Features:
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To Have and Have Not |
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Avg. Customer Rating: 4.7 / 5.0
The movie that introduced Bogart to Bacall & us now on DVD!:
Warner BrothersEnterainment does an outstanding job an converting this classic to DVD.
This was one of Hollywoods immortal romantic couples along with Gable and Lombard and Tracy and Hepburn. One difference Bogart and Bacall's passion was forever captured on the silver screen. We would always see those first torrid moments of acting become real life love story.
Lauren Bacall was nineteen year old upcoming star who was mentored by Hawks, with a Vernoica Lake hair sytle, alluring eyes and the deepest...
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"You know how to whistle, don't you Steve?":
In 1944, director Howard Hawks (1896-1977, who directed "Sergeant York" in 1941 and many John Wayne films in the 1960's) directed the film version of Ernest Hemingway's novel, "To Have And Have Not", which was published in 1937. Starring the legendary Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957) as Harry 'Steve' Morgan, the story takes place in 1940 on the Caribbean island of Martinique, a French colony, not long after France's surrender to Nazi Germany in World War II and the establishment of the infamous Vichy Republic....more info
An H & H production:
The success of this picture was apparently a little embarassing to the legendary director Howard Hawks. He and author Ernest Hemingway cooked it up during a hunting trip, according to Hawks, in trying to make a picture out of the author's novel. They ended up with a story that ends where the novel begins, and a title that has no bearing at all on the movie. Hawks refused to admit the two of them had been influenced by "Casablanca," but that's baloney, the parallels are just too strong. Nevertheless it's a...more info
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