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Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 3.8 / 5.0
All instrumental and very jazzy!:
NEWS stands for North, East, West and South which are the names of the four tracks found on this instrumental release from Prince. You could also call it Love, Peace, Faith, and Charity because those are the subtitles for each one. Recorded in one day at Paisley Park!
The first thing you notice is the packaging. The CD itself folds out to make a compass. There are no pictures of Prince or the band! Reminds me a lot of THE BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE from the detail of the actual case.
The album itself is...
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Until Madhouse comes back. No, seriously.:
Actually, the title of Prince's newest under-the-radar release is an acronym: N.E.W.S. - North, East, West and South, but don't tell anybody: If he finds out we know he'll just title the next record some unpronouncable symbol and we'll all be in trouble.Coming off of an incredible box set of live stuff, Prince keeps the grooves coming with this 4-track, all-instrumental set. And while I'm feeling it, it's horridly overpriced for what it is: 4 tracks at a full-length album price. Even though the songs are...
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being a fan of music throughout the years,i have always kind of dug prince for his originality, but havent been a huge fan due to the cartoonishness of most of his songs.i heard musicology and didnt really care for the song when i heard it.but logging on to cdnow one day i saw this album had been released just a short time after musicology came i got it because there was no vocals on and my friends have a weekly poker game that usually turns into near fisticuffs due to everyone trying to put...more info
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