Lexar Media USB 2.0 6-in-1 High Speed Reader |
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Lexar Media USB 2.0 6-in-1 High Speed Reader Binding: Electronics $26.99 Features:
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Lexar Media USB 2.0 6-in-1 High Speed Reader |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 3.8 / 5.0
Good value drive for file transfers:
I was thinking of purchasing a USB drive to transport large files from one computer to another, but I saw this drive and decided to take advantage of the compact flash memory I already owned for my digital camera. One of the great things about this drive (it is a reader and a writer) is its size. It is quite small and convenient to carry about.
Once you plug the drive in, four new drive letters are added, one for each memory card slot. The Lexar drive has the same problem of all drives of this type in...
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Doesn't work with new CF cards:
I have the RW-018 Rev.B model. I even upgraded the firmware from the www.lexarmedia.com website. However, it will not work with my two Sandisk Ultra II 512mb cards! This reader takes many minutes to write large multimegabyte files, and when reading back the file it is corrupted! Many others with the same problem have reported this problem, and so far there is no fix but to get another brand USB2 card reader. Too bad. I am very disappointed.(The reader works fine with my 25x Transcend 512mb card, which...
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Lexar did not work with my 1 gig IBM Microdrive:
The Reader would not read my I Gig IBM Drive. I notified Lexar Tech Support. They where very nice and replaced the Card Reader. The second Card Reader would not read my 1 gig Microdrive. I notified Tech support again. They suggested to check my IBM Microdrive. The Microdrive functions properly in my Canon G3. The Microdrive functioned properly when downloading to Windows XP Prof machine with, G3 Camera,2 seperate PQI USB 2 Readers( 1 I borrowed to check if my drive will work with the PQI, 2nd PQI reader was...more info
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