Foyle's War - Set 1

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Foyle's War - Set 1


Foyle's War - Set 1

Starring: Michael Kitchen
Binding: DVD
Published: 11 March, 2003



  • Color
  • Closed-captioned
  • Widescreen
  • Box set

Foyles War - Set 1

Foyle's War - Set 1

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.5 / 5.0

Uneven, but Irresistable:

As mysteries, the four films in what I can only assume to be Series One of "Foyle's War" are middling. Very often (as in the first film) the solution is so obvious as to be laughable. And the presence of "notable" guest stars is always a dead giveaway (pun intended) that they're somehow involved in whatever the particular crime of the moment is. Luckily by the fourth film the actual whodunit aspect of the story has become more intricate, more suprising in its denoument. (After all, how great a detective can... more info

Highly Detailed, Tightly Contexualized:

A beautifully turned bit of television. The research that contributed to the production of this series of four episodes centers on touching human details. The vets of World War I are the mature characters in this set of period pieces, and their recollections of what they did and saw in that prior war provides an overlay of feeling that subtly yet tellingly colors their dread of the conflict that was coming in the later months of 1940. Michael Kitchen's portrayal of the recently widowed Chief Detective... more info

A Good Plot... A Likeable Protagonist:

It's rare to find those two things together. They come together beautifully in this series. Various issues facing the British population of 1940 are well illustrated such as the treatment of conscientious objectors, Nazi sympathizers, anti-semitism. Now combine these factors with class distinction, family disputes and the abuse of power and a powerful recipe for a great story emerges. Cheers to actor Michael Kitchens for a top-notch performance! The casting was excellent in this series. If this series... more info

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