Sun Rises: Recording of Trad Hungarian Folk Music

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Sun Rises: Recording of Trad Hungarian Folk Music

Binding: Audio CD
Published: 24 September, 2002



Sun Rises: Recording of Trad Hungarian Folk Music

Sun Rises: Recording of Trad Hungarian Folk Music
by: Teka


  1. Hadd Fekszem Mell?d (Let Me Lie Beside You)
  2. Addig ?lek, M?g Bennem Zeng a L?lek (I Live as Long as I Breathe)
  3. Tavaszi Sz?l (Spring Wind)
  4. Az a Szeretom, Aki Volt (My Lover Is the Same)
  5. Rab Vagyok ?rted (You Hold Me Captive)
  6. Hazamenn?k, De Nem Tudok (I Would Go Home But I Can't)
  7. Moldvai T?nczene (Dance Music from Moldavia)
  8. K?lt?zik a V?ndormad?r (Birds Are Flying)
  9. Szeress, Csak N?zd Meg Kit (Love, Me Sweetest, But Choose With Care)
  10. Tekeromuzsika (Music for Hurdy-Gurdy)
  11. Ez a Vil?g (This World)
  12. Kinek Panaszoljam Magam (Who Shall I Complain To?)
  13. Ballada (Ballad), Inc.

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