Upstairs Downstairs - The Complete Series Megaset |
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QPC / DVD / Upstairs Downstairs - The Complete Series Megaset |
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Upstairs Downstairs - The Complete Series Megaset Starring: Angela Baddeley, David Langton, Gordon Jackson $269.96 Features:
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Upstairs Downstairs - The Complete Series Megaset |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.9 / 5.0
Often, when one of those "Top 100 Television Shows Ever Created" lists comes out, 'Upstairs, Downstairs' is listed as Number One, usually just above 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' and 'I Love Lucy.' Well, now I know why. This show stunned me with its quality and vivid characters! For those unaccustomed to a British accent, it may take a few minutes of viewing before your ears adjust. And I kindly suggest that you do NOT watch the 25th Anniversary documentary until you've first seen all the episodes (I wished I...
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Simply Put: The Best Drama Ever:
Often, when one of those "Top 100 Television Shows Ever Created" lists comes out, 'Upstairs, Downstairs' is listed as Number One, usually just above 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' and 'I Love Lucy.' Well, now I know why. This show stunned me with its quality and vivid characters!For those unaccustomed to a British accent, it may take a few minutes of viewing before your ears adjust. And I kindly suggest that you do NOT watch the 25th Anniversary documentary until you've first seen all the episodes (I...
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Expensive and worth every cent:
The most amazing aspect of this collection is how well it holds up after all these years. Having initially seen in the 70s, I wasn't prepared to be surprised. After all, didn't I know all the plots and characters? But what I found was, while I remembered most of it, there were huge chunks that I couldn't account for. I've watched the entire series now, some five times, all the way through, and it only gets better. The writing alone is worth the price of admission, but couple this with excellent acting,...more info
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