Sopranos Unauthorized

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Sopranos Unauthorized

Binding: DVD
Published: 24 September, 2002



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Sopranos Unauthorized

Sopranos Unauthorized

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 2.8 / 5.0


A wonderful trip into the underground world of the Sopranos series.
The Host John Fiore was gritty, though charming and very funny,
His "comare" Marie Ruffolo was the perfect "bimbo" sidekick, hot and sexy (with ultra high heels and great shapely legs!) and the interplay between the both of them is very entertaining.
They take you on a tour of all the Sopranos sets and show actual outtakes and scenes from the series that were never shown on HBO. The interviews with Vinnie Pastore were both candid... more info

I loved it! Almost 2 hours of great footage!!!:

I thought it was very entertaining and I LOVED both the host John Fiore (GIGI) and his "girlfriend" and the way they played off each other and introduced all the rare Sopranos film clips, and toured all the shooting locations especially the Soprano House.
Seeing the original pork store, Centanni's, was quite interesting
and the trip to the Bada Bing sensational!!!!!
The footage of Gandolfini at the House trying to get the ducks into the pool was a riot and the scenes and interviews with Vincent... more info

Laugh at the stupidity of such an idea:

Basically, they tried to do a documentary and failed. Pretty much all this documentary affirms is that the American public will believe anything that a celebrity can falsely portray about Italian Americans. It's basically a test. If you believe the stereotyped bulls&*% in this video, you've done yourself an injustice, and if you're a TRUE Italian American, you'll feel like crap about your own, what the (...) did I just watch! Although parts of it are funny, the woman in this video is a... more info

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