Marching Cadences of the Us Army Infantry

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QPC / Music / Marching Cadences of the Us Army Infantry


Marching Cadences of the Us Army Infantry

Binding: Audio CD
Published: 19 February, 2002



Marching Cadences of the Us Army Infantry

Marching Cadences of the Us Army Infantry
by: US Army Infantry


  1. Your Military Left
  2. Everywhere We Go
  3. We Are Bravo
  4. Hey Now Soldier
  5. Ain't No Use in Looking Down
  6. They Say
  7. We Are Delta Co
  8. Calling to Me
  9. See That Man With the Green Beret
  10. Let 'Em Blow
  11. Army Colors
  12. Old King Cole
  13. There's a Drill Sergeant There
  14. Patch on My Soldier
  15. Here We Go Again
  16. Hello, Hello Infantry, Inc.

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