Jurassic Park Trilogy

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Jurassic Park Trilogy


Jurassic Park Trilogy

Starring: Neill, Goldblum, Attenborough, Sam Neill
Binding: DVD
Published: 11 December, 2001


  • Color
  • Closed-captioned
  • Widescreen
  • Box set

Jurassic Park Trilogy

Jurassic Park Trilogy

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5.0

Jurassic Park Fever:

This has got to be one of the best boxed sets ever! I can't wait to get it! I didn't buy the first boxed set, which contained Jurassic Park and The Lost World, because I knew Jurassic Park III was coming out! That was like a year ago or so and I knew they'd put out a trilogy boxed set when JP3 was released so I decided to wait! Well don't worry, because if you have already bought the first two films, you can still get the trilogy collector's box by simply buying the third film on DVD! Yep that's right, the... more info

This is great fun.:

With the first "Jurassic Park," ILM broke new ground in CGI special effects. They created dinosaurs that looked incredibly real, and at the time people really didn't know how it was done. I figured it had something to do with computers and the same technology that was used for The Abyss, Terminator 2, and one of the Sherlock Holmes movies back in the 80's ("Young Sherlock Holmes" perhaps?), but still had no idea how it was done, and had never seen anything like it before. This was truly a unique experience.... more info

The Best Dinosaur Adventure Films you'll ever see:

These movies are great fun, the sequels are sort of weak story wise but still get the job done entertainment wise. I think for the 4th one that here Spielberg might be doing, they need a fresher story. I think they should just go ahead and make Jurassic Park an actual theme park already and dump the whole "I hate this island but I'm here anyway bit". The whole theme park thing would be cool and would allow just regular people there and not just scientists or hunters like in the others. Of course one or 2... more info

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