State of the Union

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / State of the Union


State of the Union

Starring: Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn
Directed by: Frank Capra
Binding: DVD


State of the Union

State of the Union

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.0 / 5.0

One of the best political satires ever made!:

Since the gentleman before me does such a wonderful job in describing the movie's plot I won't go into that...but I did want to say that "State of the Union" is one of my all-time favorite "classic" movies. This highly underrated Frank Capra film ranks as one the best on-screen pairings of the ever-watchable Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn. This film is just as relevant to today's political system as it was to its' own era a half-century ago, which only shows that there has never been a "golden age" of... more info

An underrated Frank Capra Gem...:

"State of the Union" may not be one of Frank Capra's best films, nor is it the best pairing of Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, one of Hollywood's greatest couples (both on-screen and in real life). However, it is still excellent entertainment, and it's also a great political satire that still resonates even today. Grant Matthews (Tracy) is a nationally-known, flamboyant businessman who has made a fortune building airplanes, and still flies them (and even jumps out of them playing "games" with other... more info


"State Of The Union" is an elegant movie about the politicians world and the media paraphernalia that usually surrounds them. The director Frank Capra combined very well comedy, drama and a smart screenplay, also, Capra always was surrounded with excellent actors, and "State Of The Union" is not an exception.

The couple made by Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy has always been recognized as one of the best couples that appeared in the movies world, "State Of The Union" is another example of the elegance... more info, Inc.

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