Envy (Widescreen Edition)

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Envy (Widescreen Edition)


Envy (Widescreen Edition)

Starring: Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Rachel Weisz, Amy Poehler
Directed by: Barry Levinson
Binding: DVD
Published: 28 September, 2004



  • Color
  • Closed-captioned
  • Widescreen

Envy (Widescreen Edition)

Envy (Widescreen Edition)

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 2.7 / 5.0

Yeah, Not Too Good!:

In the end, I was expecting to see a much better outcome from a movie that stars Jack Black and Ben Stiller. Jack Black made me laugh out loud in such films as " Orange County" and The School of Rock" and Ben Stiller was just genius with "Zoolander. Now, you would think that "Envy", having two great comedy actors, would combine the laughs of "Zoolander" and "The School of Rock", but instead we got problem after problem, and only a couple of good things. "Envy" was postponed from last summer, and I think... more info

Pretty good!!!:

I know so many people who did not like Envy. In fact, test audiences hated it so much, the film would have gone straight to video had it not been for the success of the totally overhyped School of Rock. But I enjoyed Envy. Granted, it wasn't Oscar material, but hey, I don't think Lord of the Rings was either. Moulin Rouge yes. Chicago definitely. But Envy is what it is, a cute, funny, enjoyable comedy with a great cast and a unique story. Perhaps that's why audiences were turned off. When's the last time... more info

To envy one's friends is a no-no.:

Ben Stiller is quoted as saying he never really felt like a funny guy or the life of the party. He's not in this movie, either. This was not a comedy.

It emphasized mental instability when one of the close neighbors made a lot of money on "just an idea" which he called an invention. It is not worthy of mention, as the very thought of such a thing is obnoxious.

Set in California, amidst electric towers and powerlines, traffic on the highway beside the ball park, and the golf course beside the desert, it... more info

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