White Badge

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / White Badge


White Badge

Directed by: Ji-yeong Jeong
Binding: DVD
Published: 23 December, 2003



  • Color

White Badge

White Badge

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 2.5 / 5.0

A poor imitation:

This film is a poor imitation of Platoon and Deer Hunter. It's hard for me to believe that semi-illiterate Vietnamese farmers know how to write Korean language to demand compensation for the loss of their water buffaloes accidentally killed by Korean soldiers. You will be very disappointed if you're looking for war actions. Also, the director fails miserably to show the effects of psycholgical trauma experienced by the returning soldiers. The storyline is not well connected. Don't waste your money on this... more info

VIET NAM - a Korean persepctive:

This is a Korean version of... PLATOON, was how this film was marketed when it was released (early 90's?), but it really is a grand attempt at presenting the Korean involvement in the War. At the time it made waves with A list casting, location shooting in Nam (controvercial at the time for Korea) and a huge budget for the action scenes. It is essentially a buddy film of two vets - one who has succesfully adapted to society and one who has not from them dark days in Nam. I highly recommend this piece for... more info
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