A Clockwork Orange |
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A Clockwork Orange Starring: Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee $14.98 Features:
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A Clockwork Orange |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.4 / 5.0
A Clockwork Orange is top notch!:
A Clockwork Orange is nothing short of one of the most fantastic movies of all time. Its premise is dark, brooding, yet all too realistic. A gang of thugs out of control, led by Alex (the main character), is warped by visions of rape and violence by which they rule the streets. Suddenly, the leader is under State arrest and there is a plan to "cure" him of his dementia. The plan involves psychoanalytic therapy, a "good 'ol dose of his own medicine", so to speak. Forced to view movies depicting the same...
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Violence makes violence:
If 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY was Stanley Kubrick's most affirmative look at the future, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE is definitely a 180-degree turnaround.This still-controversial film, based on Anthony Burgess' equally controversial 1962 novel, revolves around Alex (Malcolm McDowell), the leader of a group of "droogs" whose idea of fun is robbing, raping, and beating people senseless in a London of the near-future. But when McDowell is captured by the law, tried, and sentenced, in order to get an early release, he...
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Substance and Style!:
Perhaps the greatest irony in "A Clockwork Orange" occurs in the scene where Alex is reading the Bible in prison. He informs the viewer that he loves the violence and sex contained in the first part, but really has no use for the preaching in the latter half. I've come across a lot of folks who have seen this flick and it never fails- there are many out there who, like Alex and the Bible, love the brutality of the first hour of the film, and cannot abide the preachy second half. If you are one of those,...more info
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