Funny Face

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Funny Face


Funny Face

Starring: Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire
Directed by: Stanley Donen
Binding: DVD
Published: 10 April, 2001



  • Color
  • Closed-captioned
  • Widescreen
  • Dolby

Funny Face

Funny Face

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.4 / 5.0

It's all worth it just for one scene....:

Audrey Hepburn, one of the biggest style icons of all time, floats down a staircase in a beautiful floor length red dress, with a red scarf billowing behind her. In a breathless, excited voice she says the words, "Take the picture! Take the picture!"

This is the perfect movie to watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Audrey's beauty, sophistication and style. Fred Astaire dancing in such a way you are forced to wonder how a man could be capable of such moves. Top it all off with the romantic scenery of Paris.... more info

Great movie and the DVD Transfer is Crystal Clear!:

I don't think I've ever seen a good print of this film till I bought the DVD, which is fabulous! I'm not a die-hard Audrey Hepburn fan, but she is very charming and looks fabulous in the fashions. I love the ability to skip the numbers I don't like with the DVD since I find this a very uneven film. When it is good it is nearly flawless (and that's most of the time--opening credits, Think Pink, Funny Face, Bonjour Paris, The Photo Shoots, S'Wonderful, the final fashion show) but when it is bad it is horrid... more info

Where Was MArni NIxon?:

Funny Face has just about everything going for it. Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire, Stanley Donen, great Gershwin tunes, a terrific rare glimpse of the incomparable Kay Thompson and above all some of the most exciting visuals and overall art direction ever caught on film. So what happened? The sad decision to let Hepburn do her own singing. That's not to say her voice is bad. It's very... nice. But for a full blown musical of this scale, the audience is yearning for Hepburn's character to really give out with... more info

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