New American Standard Bible

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New American Standard Bible

Author: N/A
Binding: Digital



  • Download: Microsoft Reader

New American Standard Bible

New American Standard Bible
by: N/A

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 3.4 / 5.0

Clarifying Previous Review:

I have the MSReader edition of this Bible and the table of contents works perfectly on my desktop PC.

The problem he had with his Casio PocketPC is not specific to this title. The current PocketPC version of Microsoft Reader is not able to read titles that are created using the security settings that most publishers will choose.....

Bottom line, if you have a PocketPC, you need to wait until the Reader software is upgraded by Microsoft. If you are using the Windows version of MSReader, you shouldn't... more info

NIV better than KJV:

The NIV Bible is in my humble opinion the best translation of the Bible because it's the most accessible. People who are new to the Bible find the King James Version daunting because of its outdated style. But anyway, the Bible is the Bible, and it will changed your life and save your soul whatever the version, as long as it's faithfully and accurately translated from the original ancient documents.

There are many, MANY books, but the Holy Bible is the only book that really matters... matters most. It is... more info

Great Book!!! Must read!!!! See Note about FREE Version!:

The Bible is a must read for everyone. It should also be free to all who want to open their hearts and minds to God. Please see the following link to download your favorite version and pass along to friends and family.

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