Wall Street

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Wall Street


Wall Street

Starring: Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas
Directed by: Oliver Stone
Binding: DVD
Published: 04 February, 2003



  • Color
  • Widescreen
  • Closed-captioned
  • Dolby

Wall Street

Wall Street

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.4 / 5.0

'Gekko the Great':

Real-life bigtime investment banker Jeff Beck not only advised Oliver Stone when he made 'Wallstreet' but also stars in this film for a few minutes playing himself at a climactic meeting of topdog-lawyers and bankers. He delivers one of the many exhilirating monologues in this Epic tale of greed, pride and innocense lost. "Now your boss will really start thinking he's Gekko the Great!" He shouts at Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) who plays a struggling young stockbroker who's desperately trying to get on the... more info

Oliver Stone predicts Enron?:

This movie has always been one of my favourite Oliver Stone films. The hard-hitting dialogue snaps and pops with the same intensity as another nasty ode to the rotten core of the Big Apple, Sweet Smell of Success (Stone even cites it as an influence in the audio commentary).

Michael Douglas, in a career-defining roles nails Stone's excellent dialogue and delivers some of the best monologues ever put on film. He deserved the Best Actor Academy Award he won that year. His "greed is good" speech still gives... more info

One of the Best Movies of the 1980's:

Oliver Stone will never be known for subtlety. "Wall Street" bashes you over the head with its message- getting to the top in society requires duplicity, dishonesty, and the willingness to destroy any obstacle. However, unlike Ayn Rand, Stone vilifies rather than lauds this dubious morality. Bud Fox is a fresh faced, innocent stock broker trying to get ahead through hard work and elbow grease, as he was taught by his father. Bud soon meets powerful, charismatic corporate raider Gordon Gekko, incapable of... more info

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