Zulu Dawn

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QPC / Video / Zulu Dawn


Zulu Dawn

Directed by: Douglas Hickox
Binding: VHS Tape


  • NTSC

Zulu Dawn

Zulu Dawn

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.5 / 5.0

Soldiers of the Queen:

If you get this video and the other epic relating to this same time (Zulu) you'll know all about the British and Zulu war in Africa. This film, Zulu Dawn, tells the story of the debacle at Islandhwana where spear-carrying Zulus badly mauled British rifles and effected the greatest defeat of so-called natives on British arms. It sticks pretty close to the actual history of the engagement. The action is the star, but big names appear throughout. John Mills, Peter O'Toole, Burt Lancaster. A first-rate job of... more info

I Love this Movie!:

I highly recommend this movie to all war or history buffs.This movie is based on the true story of the Battle of Isandlwana in south Africa .The battle was fought on Jan. 22nd 1879 between the 24th regiment under the command of Lt.Gen. Lord Chelmsford and the Zulu nation under King Cetshwayo. To make a long story short, The Zulus crushed and wiped out the entire British regiment largely in part because they outnumbered the British 24,000 to about 1,500, but also due to British arrogance(Which is pointed out... more info

Less Heroics, More History:

I really wish this would come out on DVD, it is an excellent movie. This is the 'prequel' to the Stanley Baker. . .and introducing Michael Caine. . .epic, 'Zulu.' While made almost 15 years later, it completes the story. This movie has a much more interesting cast and more accurately shows the fact that the British were the aggressors in this war. The Battle of Isandhlwana was, and is, the single most disastrous defeat of the British Army, and one brought on by the hubris of the commanding officers and the... more info

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