Elizabeth Taylor |
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Elizabeth Taylor Author: Kitty Kelley
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Elizabeth Taylor |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 2.0 / 5.0
Thought Provoking:
I found Kitty Kelley's bio of Taylor a little "catty" (pun intended). But it was entertaining and led me to research a lot more about Taylor to see if all the negative hype was true. I found mostly that Taylor's only mistake really was marrying Eddie Fisher. Kelley neglected to let the reader know that Taylor was much loved by many in the industry and those in her life, and that the real issue was not the fact that Elizabeth Taylor was a devious rotten person, but that she was just a spoiled little girl...
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A Bogus Bio:
Timed to take advantage of all the "Liz & Dick" hype in that era, we find the "facts" consist of material gleaned from re-cycled newspaper and mag articles Plus some nasty observations concocted by the woman who was dying to meet an Elizabeth who wouldn't condescend to give Kelley the time of day;nor would the "sources" validate her claims of in-sider knowledge. No celebrity wishes to be associated with a "writer" who unscrupulously defrauds the public in order to profit from their misplaced trust. In...more info
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