Deaths of Jocasta

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Deaths of Jocasta

Author: J. M. Redmann
Binding: Paperback
Published: 15 March, 2002
ISBN: 1931513104



Deaths of Jocasta

Deaths of Jocasta
by: J. M. Redmann

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.6 / 5.0


A previous reviewer must have forgotten that some people want to read fiction to be drawn away from the world of reality. Not everyone wants to be entertained by reality and solve world problems. Mickey Knight is exciting, moody, funny, sexy, strong, vulnerable, and TUFF, and the author develops the characters throughout the series. You will care about her and the other characters too. The story is full of action, mystery, romance with steamy romantic sex and just plain sex. Remember, this is the story of a... more info

"Get Real" she retorted.:

The rave reviews here mystify me. Is the standard for lesbian novels so low that a novel like this is hailed as terrific? I guess the Mickey Knight character fulfills some sort of fantasy about being a dashingly handsome lesbian who has the entire straight and gay female population of the Southeast panting over her, but I'm afraid that page after page of this nonsense starts to wear pretty thin after awhile. It would be nice if a few lesbian authors at least tried once in a while to write books that reflect... more info

Two mysteries rolled into one.:

Kudos to JM Redmann for writing another wonderful installment in the Micky Knight series. "The Deaths of Jocasta" is much more than the case Micky has been hired to investigate. Not only is the reader treated to a well-written mystery and realistic plot, but the dark past of Micky slowly unfolds throughout the book as she gives up alcohol and casual sex. Micky essentially fights her inner battle alone when her closest friends question her ability to remain sober and celibate. She doesn't know if they are... more info

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