The Principles of Self-Mastery: An Introduction to the Mastermind, a Definite Chief Aim, Self-Confidence, the Habit of Saving (Law of Success, Vol 1) |
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QPC / Book / The Principles of Self-Mastery: An Introduction to the Mastermind, a Definite Chief Aim, Self-Confidence, the Habit of Saving (Law of Success, Vol 1) |
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The Principles of Self-Mastery: An Introduction to the Mastermind, a Definite Chief Aim, Self-Confidence, the Habit of Saving (Law of Success, Vol 1) Author: Napoleon Hill $17.79 |
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The Principles of Self-Mastery: An Introduction to the Mastermind, a Definite Chief Aim, Self-Confidence, the Habit of Saving (Law of Success, Vol 1) |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.4 / 5.0
To truly clear the air about Napolean Hill........:
I have been following Napolean Hill since 1975. The review that precedes mine indicates that Hill only wrote a few books that the reviewer posts. The fact is that Napolean Hill wrote ALL the books that bear his name. TRUE, some of his books have been repreinted by other publishers, I believe this is what the reviewer is trying to communicate.
Saying that he did not write all the books he is credited with is like saying that is not Napolean Hill's voice on the tape programs.
Obviously, this reviewer is...
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Just To Set The Record Straight:
Just to set the record straight Napoleon Hill only wrote the following books.1919-1920
"The Golden Rule Magazine"
Napoleon Hill edited and published1928
"Law of Success"
published (Ralston Society, Publishers)1930
"The Magic Ladder to Success"1937
"Think and Grow Rich"1939
"How to Sell Your Way Through Life"1953
"How to Raise Your Own Salary"1960
"Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude"1970
"You Can Work Your Own Miracles"
All other books...more info
I have to disagree with the reviewer from Canada...:
First on the quality of information in this book, it is outstanding. The tossil marker, sufficient. But more to the point, this reader says Napolean Hill did not write a book called Keys to Success; I beg your pardon. He certaintly did. It is subtitled: The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement and actually offers even more concrete information on these 17 principles than Think and Grow Rich.Hill also wrote The Master Key to Riches which this reviewer from Canada refers to. EASY MISUNDERSTANDING. Just...
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