Noble House

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / Video / Noble House


Noble House

Starring: Brosnan, Raffin, Masters, Pierce Brosnan
Binding: VHS Tape
Published: 14 October, 1997


  • Color
  • NTSC

Noble House

Noble House

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.1 / 5.0

One Of The Greatest Movies I've Seen:

Although the movie differs quite a bit from the book and miss some interesting side themes like the core of a spionage intricate plot of the book, it still keeps pace with the original story and the way it is presented makes it one of the best movies I've seen.

Even when Mr. Clavell states at the beggining of each of his books that all characters are imaginary, historians and critics have found out that this is not quite true. Most characters in Shougun and Tai-Pan were real and the stories are based in... more info

Noble House - Not Bad, Worth Buying:

Yes, it is not the book. But what could be? Well, Shogun comes close but that is because of Clavell's direct input. Still, I enjoyed the film quite a bit and was pleased that while the story was slightly altered, probably more for space than anything else, it did not lose the soul of the book. Why the Asian Saga is not a TV series, I will never know. Imagine David Chase taking this on after the Sopranos. Well, perhaps I will make this series a reality one day. It certainly deserves it. Incidentally, for... more info

Great story, lousy technical quality:

This applies to a new tape. The story is great but the technical quality is awful. The tape, made in 1988, has squeezed 355 minutes of playing time into a 240 minute cassette by reducing the thickness of the tape. The result is extremely faded colors and occaisonal static. If this caused by the tape's age or thickness I am not in a position to say. If the reduced thickness is the cause then two cassettes is the obvious solution. I assume that when a DVD is issued the technical quality will have been... more info

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