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QPC / Book / Self-Liberation



Author: Karma-Glin-Pa, Namkhai Norbu, Rigdzin Karma Lingpa, John Myrdhin Reynolds
Binding: Paperback
Published: 01 November, 2000
ISBN: 1559391448




by: Karma-Glin-Pa, Namkhai Norbu, Rigdzin Karma Lingpa, John Myrdhin Reynolds

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Ian Myles Slater on: Identifying the Text:

Prospective readers of this work may wish to know that it has a descriptive subtitle -- "An Introduction to the Nature of One's Own Mind from *The Profound Teaching of Self-Liberation in the Primordial State of the Peaceful and Wrathful Deities* A terma text of Guru Padmasambhava expounding the view of Dzogchen, rediscovered by Rigdzin Karma Lingpa." In other words, it offers itself as a "postponed revelation," a terma (treasure) re-discovered and offered to the world centuries after its composition. As... more info

An answer for the restless mind:

I discovered that upon reading this text, a part of my mind which was always seeking to understand this life had finally been satisfied! I do not consider myself a practicioner of buddhism, much less an expert, and yet what it had to say was clear and persuasive.(...)

Self-Liberation: Through Seeing with Naked Awareness:

The only thing to add would be that this is a new addition of previously published "Self-Liberation: Through Seeing with Naked Awareness". The work itself is a terma(treasure teaching) of Guru Padmasambhava discovered by master Karma Lingpa. Personally, I found this book of a great value for the reason of a very lucid INSTRUCTION rather than just theory, which is sufficiently expounded, too. It gives a clear explanation as to why and how the principle of a spiritual teaching can be misunderstood and points... more info

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