Hustlers, Escorts, and Porn Stars : The Insider's Guide to Male Prostitution in America |
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QPC / Book / Hustlers, Escorts, and Porn Stars : The Insider's Guide to Male Prostitution in America |
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Hustlers, Escorts, and Porn Stars : The Insider's Guide to Male Prostitution in America Author: Matt Adams
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Hustlers, Escorts, and Porn Stars : The Insider's Guide to Male Prostitution in America |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 3.3 / 5.0
For the curious and the well-informed:
Mr. Adams has written a valuable book for anyone who has ever hired an escort, thought about hiring an escort, or was just plain curious about how the World's Oldest Profession functioned within America's gay culture. The answer, not surprisingly, it that it functions quite well thank you, and Mr. Adams thoroughly lays out the terms, structures and conditions of male prostitution. He doesn't write to your prurient interest, but he does write to a broad canvas and touches on every conceivable aspect of...
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Good info - but a little repetitious:
This book is full of valuable information, but each chapter was written to stand alone. Thus, some information is repeated throughout the book. Other than that, it's pretty good.
Little research, few facts, not much to say.:
A thinly researched book with very little hard information, written in the sort of double talk that fifth graders use when forced to write a long term paper on a subject that they haven't looked up. Not even informative enough to be titillating, the book is interesting only for the author's ability to stretch common knowledge and his own guesswork out to 319 pages.
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