The Better World Handbook : From Good Intentions to Everyday Actions

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The Better World Handbook : From Good Intentions to Everyday Actions

Author: Ellis Jones, Ross Haenfler, Brett Johnson, Brian Klocke
Binding: Paperback
Published: 01 September, 2001
ISBN: 0865714428



The Better World Handbook : From Good Intentions to Everyday Actions

The Better World Handbook : From Good Intentions to Everyday Actions
by: Ellis Jones, Ross Haenfler, Brett Johnson, Brian Klocke

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.5 / 5.0


Accessible, comprehensive, and inspiring. The Better World Handbook is an incredible resource for anyone who wants to make a positive impact on the world. These authors take a critical look at environmental, social, and political issues from an uncommon angle by addressing the question: what can I do? I felt empowered after reading this book because it's such a practical, hands-on guide. I'll be using it for years to come!

Brian Ladd's Review (Boulder, CO):

The Better World Handbook is an inspiring and refreshingly different kind of "how-to" guide for people seeking to embody their hopes for a more just and caring world. By touching on all the major areas of our daily activities, authors Jones, Haenfler and Johnson ably negotiate the interconnectedness that describes our personal, economic, environmental and political relationships. I was impressed both with the Better World Handbook's comprehensibility and with the logic of its organization. Straighforward... more info

Simple changes in our lives can make a big difference.:

The Better World Handbook is an amazing guide to healthy everyday living. It has information on how to better ourselves individually and how we can include ourselves in the community to make it a better place for everyone. It has a great shopping guide to choose the best stores, who are the most environmentally and socially friendly, to shop at. Brett Johnson is an excellent sociologist and writer. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to make a positive change, without having to live in a... more info

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