Krazy Kat |
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Krazy Kat Author: Patrick McDonnell $13.99 |
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Krazy Kat |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.9 / 5.0
until the COMPLETE krazy is finally published:
fine anthologies like this will have to do.
compiled principally by patrick mcdonnell (artist and author of "mutts" -- the finest contemporary comic strip) this is a good introduction to the best comic strip of all time. for some thirty years in the first half of the american century, george herriman created one of the greatest works of american art and literature. based almost entirely on variations on a theme (cat loves mouse, dog loves cat, mouse throws brick, cat deems said abuse [rightly?] as a sign...
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Zip........POW......'Kontact'. I'm a heppy, heppy ket.:
I was first introduced to Krazy Kat through the auspices of the Tucson Comic News. The world of George Herriman is populated partly by lunatic creatures, partly by all-too-human struggles, and completely by his marvelously "sillygistical" prose. Herriman's art is comic strip art at its absolute best. His prose is misnamed poetry, half "found" in a strange Brooklyn patois, half lifted direct from Yeats. This book also contains a fairly funny and quite accessible biography of Herriman, though by the time...more info
The greatest comic strip ever? You bet.:
When I noticed that many of my favourite cartoonists have said that Herriman's 'Krazy Kat' is the greatest comic strip ever, I decided I should check it out. It didn't take long before I agreed with them.George Herriman is one of those rare individuals who genuinely deserves to be called a genius. That's a word that gets thrown around a little too casually perhaps, but in Herriman's case it is almost an understatement.
He was a brilliantly inventive artist, but his writing is what really sets him...
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