
Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / Rosewood



Starring: Jon Voight, Ving Rhames, Don Cheadle
Directed by: John Singleton
Binding: DVD
Published: 14 September, 2004



  • Color
  • Closed-captioned
  • Dolby
  • Widescreen



Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5.0

One Of the most important movies of the 90's:

I saw rosewood in its run in theaters and was astounded by how good it was, and how little it did at the box office. Rosewood is not a happy movie, but should be required viewing no matter what color you are. It tells the story of a black town in Florida that was burned to the ground in 1923 all because of a "white" lie. The movie was hard to watch for me for the simple reason that it still shocks me to see that human beings could have so much hate for someone different. The acting is First rate, especially... more info

excellent docu-drama:

What an excellent movie. A moving portrait of the 1922 massacre in Rosewood, Florida. Without shedding too much blood or jeopardizing the truth of the story through unneccessary action, director John Singleton narrates the tragic events over New Years' eve weekend, leading to the destruction of a peaceful black town. Ving Rhames & Jon Voight are the characters crossing the racial lines in their effort to save at least some women & children from the raging crowd. And all, because of a single... more info

Shameful Democrat past once again rebuked:

This film reminds us of the horrors that the Southern Democrats inflicted upon African Americans. As Wayne Perryman reminds us in his book, "Unfounded Loyalties",

"One party and their abolitionist supporters believed the Bible instructed them to lay down their lives for the slaves, the other party and their supporters believed the Bible gave them the right to take the lives of blacks if they rebelled against being slaves.

"On the issue of slavery, one party and its supporters gave their lives to... more info

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