The Birds

Pop Culture Lists

QPC / DVD / The Birds


The Birds

Starring: Rod Taylor, Tippi Hedren
Directed by: Alfred Hitchcock
Binding: DVD
Published: 02 September, 2003



  • Color
  • Closed-captioned
  • Widescreen

The Birds

The Birds

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 4.1 / 5.0

Tense thriller is a winner:

This eerie Hitchcock thriller doesn't have a shower scene but is has its fair share of suspense, dread and anticipation as to when the birds will attack. Filmed in color and without the accompaniment of music, the movie builds steadily towards tense and dangerous moments when hundreds of blackbirds swoop down on the human populace and scratch, peck and claw them to shreds without rhyme or reason. Even a lone seagull gets in its licks on Melanie Daniels who has followed Mitch Brenner to Bodega Bay to close... more info

The Birds is Coming!:

Of all of Alfred Hitchcock's films, The Birds is remarkable on a number of levels. Technically, for the time, it was a marvel. Needing years of preparation with hundreds of trick shots, it still is pretty powerful stuff, even by today's computer generated standards. Heroine Melanie Daniels (Tippi Hedren) follows handsome bachelor Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor) to Bodega Bay, California, with a gift of Love Birds for his younger sister. When Melanie is attacked by a seagull right in front of Mitch, a series of... more info

Beware THE BIRDS!!!:

The Birds is one of my favorite Alfred Hitchcock films. Perhaps that has a lot to do with the beautiful Tippi Hedren, who shines in everything she does. The gorgeous scenery, adorable costumes, and lavish colors also add to the surreal atmosphere, which quickly gets disrupted by a flock of killer birds. Like many firsts Hitchcock introduced with his films, this is the first "nature run amock" film, just like Psycho was the first "slasher" film. This Psycho follow-up was yet another ground-breaking addition... more info

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