The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (Kingfisher Family of Encyclopedias)

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The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (Kingfisher Family of Encyclopedias)

Author: Kingfisher Books
Binding: Hardcover
Published: 01 September, 1999
ISBN: 0753451948


The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (Kingfisher Family of Encyclopedias)

The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia (Kingfisher Family of Encyclopedias)
by: Kingfisher Books

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 3.7 / 5.0

The Homeschooler's Best Friend (besides his mother):

This is *the* best history book to have for all your child's years from first grade through high school. He's not going to grow out of this book. A specific event or narrow time period is presented on each two-page spread in the book along with many, many helpful colorful drawings. Along each left and right side edge all through the book, however, is an extremely helpful world-wide timeline about everything else going on during the time of these two pages.

This is a very informative and riveting... more info

An Excellent Resource:

The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia appears to be the updated version of the Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World, which received high accolades from Amazon reviewers and others. I've compared the two books. This "replacement" book is better laid out and has better graphics than its predecessor.

The colorful text highlights periods in history from 40,000 B.C. to the present. It is divided chronologically into segments:"The Ancient World" 40,000 BC to 500 BC, and The Classical World, 499 BC - AD... more info


Beware -- this is not the update to the highly regarded Kingfisher Illustrated History. Instead, it reformats the previous work, departing from the orderly 'accent of western civilization' theme, de-emhasizing Greek and Roman history in favour of lesser known, minor world cultures and in general, adds aggresive PC editing. Using this book as a homeschool reference will result in you needing to spend time explaining the PC biases to your children, and ultimately, needing to purchase an additional reference... more info

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