Getting Things Done : The Art Of Stress-Free Productivity |
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Getting Things Done : The Art Of Stress-Free Productivity Author: David Allen $12.24 Features:
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Getting Things Done : The Art Of Stress-Free Productivity |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.6 / 5.0
Time Tested Principals:
I attended one of David's seminars in 1986. As a result, I was able to successfully manage 101 concurrent projects, finishing on time and under budget. Fast forward to 2001. I keep this book by my side at all times (David publish it in Ebook form so it's easier to carry!). The company I'm with now wonders how I get the "impossible" projects done. Using David's techniques in the book, it seems like I can complete a full work day in fewer hours because I know what all my "next actions" are, and do them...
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So much to do and not enough time. Is this a recurring theme in your life? Is your mind constantly overloaded with concern about unfinished tasks? Then be proactive, and do something to effectively clear away the clutter. Author David Allen suggests several ways. If you're drowning in anxiety, here's a possible "raft", a life preserver, a life jacket" to help you stay afloat, relax and focus on what is really important. First collect all the unfinished "jobs" in a trusted system outside your mind. The...more info
DAM! (David Allen Method).:
The real gist of this book is this;First, tangibly ALL your thoughts to do something must be somewhere in order for you to PHYSICALLY apply it. Hence, you must write them down or put them all (stuff) somewhere, notes, post-it, napkins, etc., ANYTHING, just make it physically tangible. This is the only way for us to now LOGICALLY apply it. Because we are physical creatures, we must see our thoughts physically also. Down one.
Number two: when all of this is done, get the little ones out of the way,...
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