The Ultimate Weight Solution Food Guide |
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The Ultimate Weight Solution Food Guide Author: Phil McGraw $5.59 |
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The Ultimate Weight Solution Food Guide |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 3.6 / 5.0
Great Ideas for Great Menus:
I think that the Food Guide is a needed addition to The Ultimate Weight Solution. My family and I have been following the weight plan for a while. We have gotten into the habit of fixing meals and taking a little more time out to make better decisions but lately the ideas have kind of stymied. I am very glad the the Food Guide is here at last.
The Food Guide has helpful menu examples for up to 14 straight days that are easy to mix and match to create even more menus. It even has vegetarian suggestions....
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Useful Guide!:
This book is a good companion to the Ultimate Weight Solution (by Dr Phil as well). My fiance and I have been trying to follow the weight plan from the previous mentioned book and are doing fairly well! I like how this guide has suggestions for meals for 14 different days, which makes it easy for me to mix and match. The key to eating well is planning. Plan what you are going to eat so that you don't end up trying to decide between something healthy and unhealthy.. I know in my case the unhealthy tends to...more info
This is an essential book -- it will have a huge impact on your life if you are using Dr. Phil's program for losing weight. I had been trying to do this diet with only minimal success until I got this guide book -- now the pounds are dropping off very steadily. I would also recommend the following other guides which have proven extremely effective and helpful and easy to use: "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron; the CD "Voice Lessons to Go"; and the DVD "New Sex Now: Life's Ultimate Pleasure." If you were...more info
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