Naked Pictures of Famous People |
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Naked Pictures of Famous People Author: Jon Stewart $11.20 |
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Naked Pictures of Famous People |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 3.9 / 5.0
Gerald Ford would be proud.:
Being in college, I spend a good portion of my day watching TV. One highlight has always been "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart." As a result, I picked up this book. This might actually be the first book that I have wanted to read since the Horton series. And this is well worth the wait.
Stewart lets loose in this book, writing about 20 essays that start (mostly) in reality and end up somewhere around Oz. Most essays involve the twisted private lives of famous people, hence the title. These include...more info
For those who enjoy sharp wit...:
...this book is for you. Jon Stewart is that rarity of comic performer -- he's a smart, witty guy who doesn't rely on bathroom humor as a comic crutch. His personality and style translate very well in this writing endeavor, "Naked Pictures of Famous People". This is one book that will startle laughter out of you with its sharp observances and dry wit, especially on such topics as celebrities, religion, historical figures and commercial "pitchmen".The book as a whole is quite enjoyable, though my own...
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Mom is going to Jail:
Jon this is your mother Martha. As you know, I am going to jail. While I am in jail, do not write any more books that suck as badly as this one does. Or else I'll have to go back to jail for giving you a whooping when I get out!
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