Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone?: The Carter Family and Their Legacy in American Music |
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QPC / Book / Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone?: The Carter Family and Their Legacy in American Music |
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Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone?: The Carter Family and Their Legacy in American Music Author: Mark Zwonitzer, Charles Hirshberg $17.50 |
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Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone?: The Carter Family and Their Legacy in American Music |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.3 / 5.0
Makes You Pine for Your Clinch Mountain Home:
"Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone" represents a real step up from the typical celebrity bio it might have been. As you might expect, it chronicles the hard times and triumphs of the first two generations of the musical Carter family, starting with A.P. and his then-wife Sara, and Sara's cousin and sister-in-law Maybelle, and continuing on through Maybelle's daughters (Helen, Anita, and June Carter Cash), in-laws (Johnny Cash) and even granddaughters. The author(s) received the full cooperation of the...
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A view from the top of "Mountain Music":
The singing Carter family have influenced American music for over 70 years, and this biography seeks to give them their due as one of the premier families of American musical heritage. While a little too soap-opry in parts, Mark Zwoniter does an impressive job tracing the Carter's early musical history, and spins some compelling tales of the original Carters (husband and wife AP and Sara, and sister-in-law Maybelle).
The book traces the Carter's over-300 recorded performances and legendary radio shows...more info
Well worth the read:
One rainy day while sipping Starbucks and staying out of the weather, I randomly strolled over to the music section at Barnes and Noble and began thumbing thru "Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone." My parents, having gone thru the Depression, often spoke of the Carter family and their original music in tones normally reserved for for our owned departed family members and I was interested to have found a book about the group. Two hours later, I had a much better understanding as to why this family had such an...more info
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