The Smithsonian Guides to Natural America: Southern New England : Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island (Monographic Ser)

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The Smithsonian Guides to Natural America: Southern New England : Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island (Monographic Ser)

Author: Robert Finch, Jonathan Wallen, Bob Finch
Binding: Paperback
Published: 25 June, 1996
ISBN: 0679764755


The Smithsonian Guides to Natural America: Southern New England : Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island (Monographic Ser)

The Smithsonian Guides to Natural America: Southern New England : Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island (Monographic Ser)
by: Robert Finch, Jonathan Wallen, Bob Finch

Customer Reviews:

Avg. Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Southern New England in all its glory!:

The Smithsonian Natural Guides are my new bibles for travel. Who really cares about those guides for motels, restaurants and cheesy attractions anyhow? These guides take one to the real America behind (and often above) the tourist traps!

Finch and Wallen team up to the best of their expertise with splendid descriptive writing and photography (the latter always a trademark of this series!). Cape Cod, The Berkshires, the Connecticut and Rhode Island Coasts as well as other areas of natural interest are... more info

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