The One Minute Manager |
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The One Minute Manager Author: Ken Blanchard, Spencer Johnson $9.00 Features:
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The One Minute Manager |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.1 / 5.0
Simple and Fast:
A quick read because the concepts it describes are simple yet powerful. "The One Minute Manager" has evolved into a management classic since its first edition in 1981. Managers will take three precepts from this book: Efficient Goal Setting with employees, Praise, and Reprimands. In other words, make sure your people know precisely what they are to do, and then give them feedback whether they meet those expectations or not. That's it. Simple and effective. It takes an hour to read "The One Minute Manager",...
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Even helpful in the home:
Is there a short, easy-to-read management book that can be really useful to the businessman but also helpful for the housewife and in the conduct of family affairs? Is it possible to squeeze into 100 pages enough valuable information so that it serves a multiple audience and could even be a guide for raising children? This book is based on techniques occupying one minute. Concentrating on three core issues, the author first concentrates on goals. In the business world goals would probably be getting more...more info
Here's what I think about it...:
The book is not a comprehensive management tool but nonetheless contains good basic concepts all managers should use or at least give a great deal of thought to. A short, easy read that has many nuggets of wisdom, I give it five stars. Other self-help books I liked include "The Multifidus Back Pain Solution."
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