Wizard and Glass (The Dark Tower, Book 4) |
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Wizard and Glass (The Dark Tower, Book 4) Author: Stephen King $27.20 |
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Wizard and Glass (The Dark Tower, Book 4) |
Customer Reviews:
Avg. Customer Rating: 4.4 / 5.0
A little bogged down:
Don't get me wrong--this is an excellent piece of writing, as writing goes, but compared to the plot development and movement from The Wastelands, this book has to be considered a little bit of a slow down. That's not necessarily bad, and King does a good job of crossing into yet another genre in his writing here, but for fans of the series, the apparent halt in plot movement might be a bit frustrating. All the same, the story told here is told beautifully. I'm not a big fan of Westerns, but even I have to...
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A novel worthy of the name Dark Tower.:
The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass continues Stephen King's epic series. King's loyal fans have waited five long years for this book. I personally had fears that Roland and his band of gunslingers would never find a way off the demonic Blaine. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded.I don't want to give away the events of the book, but a clue to the resolution of the Blaine situation is in the song from the Charlie The Choo-Choo book described in The Waste Lands. The defeat of Blaine was artfully done and...
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A late start into a great thing.:
So, sadly, I have finished Wizard and Glass, skipping ahead a couple of books in the Dark Tower series. I read The Gunslinger awhile back, and wasn't all that impressed. A friend told me that the Dark Tower books were good, but I didn't fully appreciate how A*M*A*Z*I*N*G they were by the first book. Anyway, I literally was unable to stop reading Wizard and Glass, and when I wasn't reading it, I was daydreaming about reading it. This book has Tolkien influences, mythology and characters from other King books...more info
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